Lymphatics & Low-tox Living

Lauren Pilat

Let go and release stagnant energy, emotions and toxins from your body by learning techniques to activate your lymphatic system and support your immune function. You’ll be guided through a simple breathing technique, a daily self-massage process, and a restorative yin practice with optional head massage - all with a holistic focus on supporting the healthy function of your lymphatic system. The intention is to help stimulate and remove lymph, resulting in increased circulation, energy and recuperation.

Please bring: A yoga mat, water bottle, notebook and pen.

Lauren assists individuals to alleviate stress, anxiety, pain and dis-ease from their life via Kinesiology, Neuro-Training, Reiki and Yoga so they can holistically live a fulfilling life in balance and harmony. She was first introduced to each of these modalities as a client herself while seeking a more balanced, stress-free, pain-free, and purposeful life as opposed to constantly living in a heightened state of fight or flight. Lauren’s lived experience and passion was so profound it was a natural progression to trade in her 11-year journalism career to help people as a holistic practitioner.


Empowered In Strength


Mastering your Microbiome